The three Doshas are the foundation of Ayurveda.

Known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha, the doshas originate from the five basic elements.

Each Dosha is associated with the specific qualities of the five elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Space. These qualities reflect in the physical, mental and emotional characteristics of the person and most people have a combination of two doshas.

When the elements are balanced in an individual, they are responsible for health. When not in balance, the qualities are responsible for ‘spoiling’. In fact Dosha is a Sanskrit word meaning “to spoil”. Remember, each individual is unique! Knowing your individual constitution (Prakruti) can help you to evaluate when you are in balance or when you are out of balance. 

Understanding your Prakruti (your individual constitution) can also help to prevent ill health and disease and to promote wellbeing by advising diet, lifestyle and environmental routines that will keep your Prakruti balanced.  



If your Prakruti is predominately Vata, your body is regulated by the principle of movement, from the movement of thoughts and emotions to the movement of food through the intestines. This quality is responsible for creativity, imagination, happiness, speech, sneezing and elimination, to name a few.  Vata is responsible for oxygen, essence and prana. The qualities associated with Vata are dry, light, rough, mobile, subtle, cold and clear. Vata people can experience digestive and malabsorption issues. They tend to be delicate in health. Vata people “live in their head’, swirling with ideas. 




If your Prakruti is predominately Pitta, your body is regulated by heat. Pitta represents the fire element in the body and is associated with regulating body heat through the chemical transformation of food, leading to a strong appetite and metabolism, intelligence, courage and determination. They are great leaders but can be judgemental and critical – even prone to anger. The qualities associated with Pitta are hot, sharp, light, oily, liquid and spreading. Pitta people can experience skin rashes, acidic stomach, heartburn, high blood pressure, flushes, headache. 




If your Prakruti is predominately Kapha, your body is regulated by water and the solidity of earth.  You are likely to be kind, patient, family oriented and a lover of tradition. Kaphas have a steady appetite, but can have a slow and sluggish digestion and metabolism. They may also suffer from congestion, hayfever, asthma etc. The qualities associated with Kapha are heavy, slow, cool oily, damp, smooth, dense, soft, static, viscious and cloudy. You may crave sweetness and salt and love eating, sitting, doing nothing and sleeping. A kapha person is endowed with strength, knowledge, peace and longevity. 

If you would like to find out your Dosha, please get in touch for an Ayurvedic Consultation.